FRCC Grants Program
FRCC recently improved its grants program with a streamlined application (which is available on this website) and increased amount of funding that is available to relevant projects that further the wild and scenic values of the Farmington River in the FRCC towns. Grants are considered on a rolling basis - applications are accepted at any time.
Speakers Bureau
Members of FRCC will provide a presentation to groups in the area that discusses the Farmington and why it is a National Wild and Scenic River - and what needs to be done to keep it that way. Contact us for more information.
Invasive Plant Study and Management
FRCC continues to research best methods for invasive plant control and is addressing management strategies for the species found on the upper Farmington River.
Biodiversity and Vernal Pool Studies
FRCC has provided funding to FRWA to conduct vernal pool studies and biodiversity analysis in the upper Farmington watershed.
Upper Farmington River Water Quality Monitoring
FRCC in conjunction with Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA) continues - primarily with volunteers from surrounding towns - to conduct water quality monitoring and streamwalks of the river. There will be several monitoring locations, as well as streamwalks to locate possible sources of water pollution. With this information, FRCC and FRWA will make plans to work with towns, landowners, and other interested parties to find collaborative ways to remediate the sources of pollution. See the results of streamwalks in this PDF report. (File is 2.72 MB)
Land Protection
FRCC continuously works to support the protection of lands in the upper Farmington River watershed. Most recently, FRCC has contributed to Hartland Land Trust for start-up and organizational development.
Ongoing Support to the Squires Restoration – FRCC Headquarters
FRCC continuously supports the efforts of the Barkhamsted Historical Society (BHS) to restore the beautiful Squires Tavern. The history of the area is one of the reasons the Wild and Scenic designation was given to the river. FRCC is grateful to BHS for the office space of our official headquarters.